Find regular updates to our reading of ‘Saffron Salvation’ at our dedicated page here

READing guide

The following dates for the book club are intended as a guide and try to account for those readers who do not have a lot of time to spare – you do not have to go at this pace and can read ahead, or at a slower pace if you so wish! Just ensure we keep to the guide when meeting virtually to discuss what we’ve read so far. As a rule of thumb, aim to read around 35 pages each week; our weekly update on this page will be on that basis.

(1) First virtual meeting: Sunday 14 March

Read up to the end of page 33 / four chapters

(2) Second virtual meeting: Sunday 21 March

Read up to the end of page 67 / three chapters

(3) Third virtual meeting: Sunday 28 March

Read up to the end of page 99 / three chapters

(1) First virtual meeting: Sunday 4 April

Read up to the end of page 135 / four chapters

(2) Second virtual meeting: Sunday 11 April

Read up to the end of page 174 / three chapters

(3) Third virtual meeting: Sunday 18 April

Read up to the end of page 201 / three chapters


Amrit Singh’s ‘Keep Moving On’ is our current read at the naujawani book club. It is only available in a soft cover edition but can be found at a range of retailers – see the following link to get your copy:

naujawani book club updates

3 + 5 =

Join the Club

Read along with us

Joining the naujawani book club is easy and straightforward – there are no forms to fill in and no commitment to make! In fact you don’t even need to join us (virtually or in-person) when we meet once a month to discuss what we’ve read so far! You can follow our pace or go at your own – what we really want you to do is read!

Read and discuss

Each week we set a certain number of pages for you to read from our chosen book. We try to set an achievable number of pages, but if you fall behind or get ahead that’s perfectly fine – just be wary of spoilers when we discuss what we’ve read!

Weekly updates

Each week, we’ll share some insights into what we’ve just read as well as look ahead to what the next week’s reading might hold. This will be in both written and audio formats available on this page. We welcome members of the book club getting involved with weekly insights – drop us a message and we can share your insights too!

Monthly meeting

Each month we will be holding a virtual and in-person gathering for members to discuss what we’ve read thus far – characters, plot, subject matter, nothing is off-limits! Whether what we’ve read excites or disappoints you, our book club is a great way to share the experience with others and ultimately to encourage us to read more!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does this book club cost?

Nothing. Being a member of this book club is open to all who want to read whatever our current work of fiction is and share their feelings and thoughts on the work with others.

  • Am I committing to finishing reading the book?

We’d hope so! But life does get in the way of our best intentions – if you have to drop out from continuing to read for whatever reason, there’s no judgement here.

  • Where can I buy the book?

Each book that we engage in reading at the naujawani book club will be available to buy from different places. We will always try to connect you to the most efficient and cost-effective retailers. Where possible, naujawani members will receive discounts or even free copies!

  • How can we stay up to date in-between meetings?

Each week we’ll be sharing a brief insight into that week’s set reading through both a written and audible piece, shared here on this page. You can always message us with your thoughts to share with others too!

  • Will monthly meetings be online or in-person?

Both! However, we recognise that our audience is from all over the globe and so we will make meetings easy to access virtually – you won’t have to show video or speak unless you want to contribute and can listen-in just fine.

  • How do I know how much to read?

We provide a reading guide for each book. But we stress you are free to read more or less as you see fit – just ensure you are wary of spoilers!